LifeSight Ireland Master Trust wins Pension Scheme of the Year at the Irish Pensions Awards 2023! Read more.

What makes LifeSight Master Trust investment different?

The LifeSight Master Trust is unique in the Irish marketplace and there are several areas within Investment where we believe it stands out. We will touch on these in this article. 

Our Approach 

Using a small number of pooled fund building blocks, LifeSight achieves a simple structure, while at the same time offering high quality diversified investments to our members. With the exceptional depth of our global manager research due diligence and working in partnership with best-in-class global managers, we design solutions to better meet the needs of pension savers and deliver higher risk adjusted returns.  

Environmental, Social and Governance considerations are integrated within all fund choices and the default strategy. LifeSight leverages the scale and purchasing power of WTW to deliver members exceptional value for money. 

LifeSight does not rely heavily on active management or tactical asset allocation. Active is more expensive and less reliable over the long term, while tactical often mis-times markets with that value lost to members. Instead, we adopt a smart approach to deliver diversification at passive fees. 

Our Independence 

LifeSight is truly independent of the funds and the investment managers used within the investment strategies. We do not use WTW funds or in-house investment managers. We always incorporate our best ideas into LifeSight and are able to do so by virtue of our independence from the investment managers. Therefore, there is no conflict of interest in deciding how much of a fund to allocate to an in-house vs third party fund/manager. 

Our Innovation 

We are a global investment business advising over $3.6 trillion of assets. That gives scale to innovate. We collaborate with global asset managers to construct bespoke solutions. Our Thinking Ahead Institute propose and design new investment ideas. They work with our Asset Research team to determine if an idea is investible and likely to add value over the long term. They then work with our Manager Research team to identify a best-in-class global manager to manage that particular mandate. Due to our scale, we can include numerous innovative and creative ideas in LifeSight at low cost. Examples include Adaptive Cap Equity, Fallen Angels strategy and the Carbon Transition Index. 

Our Performance 

Performance is one of our key differentiators. We can clearly demonstrate that LifeSight has performed very strongly and consistently strongly over the last number of years. Capital markets are not easily predictable. The way we run LifeSight – many, small increments of added value ideas – increases the chances that we do well more often and for longer through a member’s lifetime. 

Linda Travers FSAI QFA 

Investment Committee, LifeSight Ireland