LifeSight is delighted to announce the latest upgrades to its dedicated member app.

The current LifeSight App is available to all members and has received great feedback rated as 4.6/5 on the App store and 4/5 on android.
Following direct member feedback, a series of enhancements have been launched to further improve the member experience.
1. Transactional capability – recognising the increased desire from members to be able to make changes to their LifeSight account, members are now be able to nominate their beneficiaries, update their personal details and make investment switches through the App. Following a secondary layer of security, members will be able to make these changes to their LifeSight account without the need for any paperwork or wet signatures.

2. AgeOmeter modelling tool – helping members get a better understanding of their pension and the age they might be able to afford to retire, we are delighted to bring our award winning AgeOmeter tool into the LifeSight App to allow members to consider the actions they can take to improve their retirement outcome. The AgeOmeter tool fully incorporates the PLSA Retirement Living standards helping members understand the level of income they might need in retirement.

3. Targeted nudge communications – following on from the success of our email nudge communications we are now able to nudge members via the App. This will allow us to provide nudges direct to a member’s handset or device, to help them consider the actions they need to take to manage their pension.
These enhancements are part of a wider roadmap of exciting LifeSight developments planned over the next couple of years.
For further details please get in touch with your usual LifeSight contact.
The LifeSight Team