LifeSight wins Schroder’s Leading Innovation award
We still have another few months left before we officially bid farewell to 2018, but it’s already been a great year for us here at LifeSight. Not only has the master trust market continued its rapid growth as employers’ DC vehicle of choice, but our efforts to champion good governance and innovation in the member experience are increasingly being recognised in the industry.
Just last week (25 September 2018), we took home Schroder’s ‘Leading Innovation in Workplace Solutions’ award, in recognition of our drive to enhance member engagement. In a market saturated by a diverse range of products aimed at the workplace, the judges prised the fact that LifeSight has a greater range of solutions to push engagement with members than any other entrant. Our ageOmeter, a tool that enables people to calculate the age at which they might be able to retire, is just one example of this. Earlier in the year, Pensions Age also acknowledged our efforts to revolutionise the member experience when we were handed their Innovation award.
But, it’s not just our approach to innovation that is being recognised. Importantly, our performance is also getting attention. In fact, we’ve just (for the second year running) been named one of the top three master trusts in the Hymans Robertson Master Trust Default Fund Performance Review 2018.
And there’s more excitement ahead for the industry at large. Later this year we will likely start witnessing consolidation in the sector as the first wave of master trusts undergo authorisation. This is good news for prospective members and employers, as those trusts left standing will be able to effectively leverage economies of scale to enhance the member offering.
I’m sure you’ll agree that this has not been an average year for LifeSight, but we are not done yet. We have big plans for next year to keep driving our momentum forward, so watch this space.