FTSE 350 Defined Contribution Pension Survey 2020
This is the fifthteenth edition of our FTSE DC Pension Scheme Survey, and the fifth coverage to the FTSE 350.
At the time of collecting data for this survey, we were at the very beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, and it’s fair to say that any longer-term effects this will have on Defined Contribution (DC) provision will only be known as time unfolds. The market turbulence will bring the opportunity to ‘stress test’ current investment strategies, and the challenges we have faced will likely prompt reviews to current practices and provision.
Our 2020 survey reflects relative consistency and stability since our previous survey. The high contribution levels from last year that were driven by the raising of auto-enrolment minimums have been maintained and there is little evidence of major changes in plan design.
We believe this survey report to be the market leader in giving the clearest representation of DC pension provision in the UK. Whilst the results are based on information from some of the largest publicly quoted companies in the country, they are relevant to any employer with a DC pension arrangement.